IFS Applications – The Solution for the Agile Enterprise

ifsLOGOIn today’s global business environment, agility means everything. An agile company responds quickly to changing market conditions and customer demands. It becomes a market leader by smoothly adjusting its processes and offerings. And it expands into new markets as opportunities arise. Agility is the ability to evolve the business to make the most from every opportunity and the key to continuous profitability.

IFS Applications supports change by being flexible and adaptable. Built with components, it enables you to easily reconfigure or expand your software solution to match your changing business needs. IFS’ service-oriented architecture (SOA) makes integration, communication, and cooperation easier – with customers, suppliers, and partners.

IFS Applications easily co-exists with other applications when best-of-breed point solutions are required to effectively support a process. There is no need to replace all your existing systems just because you need to support a new process or add new software or technology. Extend the benefit of your existing investments by keeping what still does the job and add the IFS Applications components you need to maximize your company’s competitive advantage.

At IFS, components and SOA are not the software architecture of the future. They’re not even something new. They are an established, integral part of IFS Applications, enabling companies like yours to be agile today.

Designed To Do the Job

Component-based architecture has been an integral part of IFS Applications from the beginning. It’s not an afterthought. That’s why IFS is able to offer a complete business application suite and an industry-specific solution in one integrated package. IFS Applications combines industry-specific components, developed in close cooperation with customers and leading industry partners, with standard business components needed by all types of organizations. The result is a solution that is designed for your industry and that still covers your entire business, without costly, time-consuming customizations and modifications.

Another benefit of component architecture is that it allows IFS to focus on the end user from the very beginning of the software development process. Components are designed with specific business processes in mind yet are easily integrated with the rest of the system. Users see the information they need and are prompted to act on it as required. They even have the freedom to configure the interface to meet their specific needs. The software works the way they want to work, enabling them to be more productive, whether on the shop floor, in the back office or boardroom.

Sharpening Your Competitive Focus

Agility and sustainable competitiveness are increasingly based on specialization and a focus on core compe­tencies. Every company has a number of critical success factors that it can turn into competitive advantages by adding unique business skills that competitors can’t copy. Other processes which don’t add competitive advantage can remain on par with the industry, following good or even best practice. Often, the critical success factors are connected to the ingrained core competencies and values manifested in the company’s mission statement and corporate ethos. IFS Applications supports you in raising your critical success factors from industry parity to industry leadership, whether your focus is on customers, assets, projects, contracts, products, services, or supply chains.

Reducing the Total Cost of Agility

IFS Applications never locks you in. Upgrading, utilizing the latest technology, integrating new solutions, or adding additional components is both easy and cost-effective. You can implement the components you need, when you need them. You can quickly configure IFS Applications to meet the rapidly changing needs of your industry or the global marketplace. That means it costs you less to be agile.


IFS Applications

IFS Applications is the logical choice for the modern company that wants agility. With IFS Applications, companies get a flexible solution that can easily be configured to meet their demands, which can evolve as markets, legislation, or conditions change. The component-based solution allows gradual implementation, leading to a smooth upgrade of the IT environment. Companies can focus on the areas that are most critical today, and then implement or upgrade other parts as needs arise, minimizing risks, and reducing total cost of ownership (TCO).

IFS Applications combines components, which have been the basic structure of the system since the very beginning, with the latest in application architecture. While others see service-oriented architecture (SOA) as the future of the business software industry, IFS Applications already has it in place. Having the flexibility to use many different technologies, such as J2EEand .NET, makes IFS Applications easier to integrate, giving you freedom of choice.

By combining industry-specific and functional components, IFS Applications provides a complete solution for companies in targeted industries. Users get IT support designed for their specific work flows, and the entire enterprise works with the same information, without costly customizations or painful integrations.

Business is easier with IFS Applications. Because it is truly component-based, companies can implement what they need, when they need it. IFS Applications offers business solutions that can be configured to meet the needs of rapidly changing industries facing challenges in an international marketplace.


IFS Product/ Service



Cross-Functional Components

Cross-Functional Components
IFS’ cross-functional components are a set of extremely powerful components designed for streamlining, simplifying, and handling the critical business processes found within your industry. These processes include business performance, customer relationship management, supply chain management, and business modeling, as well as document, quality, and project management.



Finance Components

Finance Components
IFS’ financial components give you a comprehensive view of your business from a variety of perspectives. When you spot a trend worth investigating, you can drill in to the appropriate financial transactions and scrutinize them in detail. These components enhance control at all levels of the organization and support regulatory needs around the world.



Human Resources Components

Human Resources Components
IFS’ human resources components save time and money by helping you manage your company’s most valuable resources most cost-effectively. These components provide fast, accurate analysis, meeting all your company’s key needs for personnel development. They provide essential processes for management of the workforce and successful strategic human capital management.



Sales & Service Components

Sales & Service Components
IFS’ sales and service components provide business processes vital for true customer relationship management (CRM). These components manage the customer interaction chain from the sales lead, through the sales cycle, to the ongoing support and service of the customer. IFS’ sales and service concept allows a business to focus on where it adds value to the customer through product, service, and support.



Engineering Components

Engineering Components
IFS’ engineering components make it easier to specify and configure design elements and products. The components ensure quality by streamlining the administration of all related documentation, including revisions. Everyone in the organization gets the information they need, providing continuously updated data for technical, administrative, and financial decisions. Integration between purchasing, engineering, and manufacturing processes enables a true cross-company picture.



Manufacturing Components

Manufacturing Components
IFS’ manufacturing components provide a simple, highly automated flow for taking care of repetitive tasks together with advanced management-by-exception functionality to trap and action exceptions. This powerful, multifaceted solution supports planning, execution, control, and analysis in many types of manufacturing, in all phases of the manufacturing process, and for all employees in the organization. It also supports leans principles as well as mixed-mode manufacturing, where different types of processing happily coexist in the same system.


Distribution Components

Distribution Components
IFS’ distribution components, together with manufacturing, form the basis of your supply chain management solution. These components offer the simplicity you need to better visualize product flows and use the system efficiently, and you can easily adapt to different distribution models and working methods. They give you the agility you need to grow and support change throughout your enterprise and let you take advantage of real-time communication throughout the order-to-delivery chain.



Maintenance Components

Maintenance Components
IFS’ maintenance components are part of a complete enterprise asset management (EAM) system that enables you to anticipate and adapt to the rapidly changing demands of the world around you. Easy to work with and access, the solution contains the comprehensiveness and depth of functionality that you need for day-to-day maintenance requirements as well as continuous development and improvement.



Business Enabler Components

Business Enabler Components
IFS’ business enabler components let you create and enhance relationships, taking advantage of the latest web-based technologies. You can give employees, customers, suppliers, and other partners personalized, accurate, real-time information through easy-to-use role-based portals and built-for-purpose mobile solutions. IFS’ business enabler components also provide integration with internal and external systems through web services while ensuring security, performance, and scalability.



About IFS

IFS, the global enterprise applications company, provides solutions that enable organizations to respond quickly to market changes, allowing resources to be used in a more agile way to achieve better business performance and competitive advantage.

IFS was founded in 1983 and now has 2,600 employees worldwide. IFS has pioneered component-based enterprise resources planning (ERP) software with IFS Applications, now in its seventh generation. IFS’ component architecture provides solutions that are easier to implement, run, and upgrade. IFS Applications is available in 54 countries, in 20 languages.

IFS Applications provides extended ERP functionality, including supply chain management (SCM); enterprise asset management (EAM); maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO); product lifecycle management (PLM); customer relationship management (CRM); and corporate performance management (CPM) capabilities.

IFS has over 500,000 users across seven key vertical sectors: aerospace & defense, automotive, high-tech, industrial manufacturing, process industries, construction & facilities management, and utilities & telecom. IFS also provides a cross-industry solution for Retail & Wholesale Distribution.

More details can be found at


For further information, contact:

PT. IFS Solutions Indonesia
Marketing & Communication
E-mail: marketing@ifs.co.id

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